Vocally I feel like “ Dead End” is our strongest vocal performance, although its not as demanding as the others we still need to represent the frustration and alienation the tribe would be feeling and we have to show that in our facial expressions and the way we deliver the lines. Some feedback was to make sure we got to the end of each line and emphasised the last word of each line because it means something to the tribe and audience needs to feel and understand that. Originally in the musical the song is performed by the black cast members only and this implicates the black segregation and inequality in the late 60's that 'HAIR' wanted to touch on. I feel like our harmonies are strong, one thing we did change was the lower line, which I am apart of. In order to sing ' Dead end, deaaaaaaad, dead!' we had to cut the line before which was ' No parking..' this was so we had a chance to breathe and fit in the beginning of our harmony line.
Let The Sunshine In:
Click Here To View The Film Version of This song!
Click Here to see the Musical Version!
Dynamically I think our performance shares similarities with the musical version. For example their blocking, we stand spaced out on the stage looking out to the audience, legs shoulder width apart and sing out as do they. I do believe our vocals sounded much better than theirs and it is a very vocally demanding song so we did our best to project and articulate whilst implementing emotion and a sense of lost. Initially, like all the other songs I sing on the lower harmony line, but my singing lecturer needed wait on the soprano line and although I am not really comfortable with that high pitched range, he said that I am good at belting out a note. So it was my job to then take that on board an practice with Ruth (the other girl on that harmony line) and ensure my intonation was correct and that I was projecting and not screeching.
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