Tuesday, June 11, 2019

UNIT 12 : Reflective DANCING Blog 2

Learning the choreography to 'Electric Blues'.

'Electric Blues' is the opening number to ACT 2, so like 'Aquarius' the routine has to be very stylised and exciting as 'Hair' is. The difference between the two opening numbers is that 'Aquarius ' is about the sense of a beginning, an up rise of a new era and a time to discover yourself whereas 'Electric Blues' is almost like the result of Aquarius, we have all found ourselves and know our places and feel we are one as a tribe. The movement to 'Electric Blues' is very fast pace and challenging. We were given the option to not do the movement if we did not want to, but because I wanted to challenge myself and heighten my ability in dance I chose to be apart of the routine. Visually I feel like I was a bit nervous and felt a slight pressure to get the movement right because I am in the first line and I felt that I needed to prove my capability so it would get me further opportunities to showcase myself. I don't think I was unsure of the movement but I was anticipating the next move too much which took my focus more and so I failed to use characterisation and facial expressions. To improve I think I need to emphasis the physicality of the movement more because although it is a fast routine, the movements still need to be sharp so it is visually pleasing. The number is vocally dynamic, so I find that by the time I get to the chorus, I’ve ran out of breathe and it is harder to push through. How I plan to help myself so that this does not happen in the performance is to grasp and control my breathe when there is a pause in the music. For example “ It’s - What’s - Happening- Baby (Pause)..” By doing this I will be able to regain my energy and breathe control to continue the rest of the number to my best standard.

Manchester England

The Manchester England routine is a short number, we've been told that it is our strongest number overall but in my opinion the duets at the beginning of the routine need tightening. There is hesitance and confusion about cues and when to do the next piece of movement so all the couples are not exactly doing the same thing at the same time. I also think when we are moving back stage we need to remember the direction we are travelling to because although we are portraying hippies and they have a very lackadaisical and flimsy vibe it will still look nicer if it appeared more organised rather than a huge group of people waving their arms around.I think after the lift we work really well as a unison, using levels when pointing to 'Claude' also looks really effective.

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