Thursday, June 20, 2019

UNIT 12 : Reflective ACTING Blog 3

1:1 Feedback From Justin 

In a one to one feedback with my acting lecturer, Justin, we discussed my progression within my roles in the production. My three main roles were, 'Dionne' ; 'Principle Three' and the Temptress - which is basically the Dionne character. He said that I have successfully developed my Dionne character and made effective acting choices. Some critique was that I was struggling to find authenticity in my Principle character and my temptress character which I agreed with completely. I felt like I had rehearsed the principle scene in one way and then continued to do it the same way with no progression in character development. Although the principle has lines there's also moments of the principle not talking which is similar to the temptress because the temptress has no lines that the audience can hear so it's just being present in the scene and being more representational rather than presentational. From the moment I enter the stage my presence must warrant authority, I must use facial expressions and small gestures. For example with the drop of a pencil my head should turn fiercely and sharply directed at the pencil that dropped. I feel like my approach to the principles tone of voice was all wrong as well, I sounded too much like myself with a hint of an American accent in there. Independently this was my problem to solve, implementing theory into practice I know that this scene implicates that the principles are like dictators, more specifically Hitler. So with my own knowledge and interpretation I believe that a dictator would talk more calmly and slower but eerie because it gives them a chance to intimidate their students and carefully observe every aspect of the student. Regarding the temptress role I just think to improve this character I had to take my time a little more, walk and a slower pace yet over physicalise and sexualise each step, which would just require rehearsing more with 'Hubert' (Remel). 

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