Friday, May 31, 2019

UNIT 12 : Reflective DANCING Blog 1

Learning the choreography to Aquarius.

This video is one of the first rehearsal recordings of the opening number to our production, 'Aquarius'. I had missed the first session when this choreography was being taught, therefore independently I asked members from the class to teach me what they had learnt so far, in order to be a bit prepared for the next session and so that I would not be holding my class back because we had little time to learn this number. As the choreography was being taught I got very excited because I haven't been apart of a musical production in first year or second year and I also felt like we hadn't done something extremely dance demanding since the performance of 'Chorus line' in Unit 8. Although the duets are a bit intimate, I understand the culture of the play 'HAIR', so I understand why the movement is slightly sexualised. In my opinion the movement that was challenging for myself and my partner was that my partner had to lay on top of me and as he rolls over onto his back I must follow in the same motion and land on top of him on my back. What I found difficult was I couldn't transfer my weight on top of him in time to stand up and restart the chorus. A substantial part of this unit is to problem solve, identify practical, theoretical and technical problems in the production and devise and construct a solution to resolve the problem. My plan to solve this problem would be to independently rehearse this section with my partner including transitioning into the next steps. My partner should hold my waist as we turn on our backs so that I would not have to quickly shift on top of him and make the duet look unattractive to the audience because it would be noticeable.

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